Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We Are Back!

The last day in Africa we went to Kampala and then an Orphanage called "New Hope." The orphanage has approximately 900 kids. Although it was not the best of conditions, it was well organized and also had a school on the property. The children were precious and they were very welcoming. We gave the rest of our supplies to them and then headed to the airport in Entebbe. As we made our way to the arport I found myself sad to leave Uganda. This country is so beautiful, the people so gracious and the needs are so great!

The trip home was very long. I had some guy fall asleep on me during the trek from Amsterdam to Detroit. That was interesting!

I was so exhausted that when I got home I spent some time with my family but then dropped. It felt so good to sleep in my bed!

Some things that I learned from this trip:

1) You can have nothing and yet have everything. IT is all in perspective.
2) Materialism is no match for family.
3) No one is perfect or has a perfect life.
4) Red clay in Uganda stains your feet like tanning lotion.
5) American's use 200 gallons of water a day, Ugandans use 2 gallons a day.
6) Albendazole (de-worming medicine) in the states costs approximately $60 in america for a bottle, in Uganda it costs approximately 1 cent per pill.
7) Most Ugandan's do not know how old they are.
8) The children all appear younger than their age, the older people look older than their age.
9) Children are not just the parents responsibility. As a community they watch out for the children.
10) Wikipedia is not always so accurate with statistics (already knew that but still trust it at times, haha). There is a very high population of Muslims in Uganda even in the small villages.

Thanks to all who have supported me financially, emotionally or through prayers. I love and appreciate you all! God bless! :)

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