Friday, July 10, 2009

PIG out time!

My work mates had an "intervention" with me this week. Apparently I am "too thin" to go to Africa. I was really not concerned about this, however I spoke with Kathy and she said that David has lost 10lbs on trips before. So, my plan is to eat whatever I feel like eating this week. No inhibition, counting calories or worry about being unhealthy. Today was day two of this. You would think that I would be excited about this but honestly, eating unhealthy constantly is difficult for me. Today I enjoyed biscuits and gravy cafeteria style, pizza, tacos, bagel, snacks galore and now I feel loaded down. We will just have to see how all of this goes.

I am getting increasingly EXCITED about the trip! One week away now so I am in constant prep mode. I think I may do my packing this weekend because I know that I will overpack and that way I will have a couple of days to decide what items I really can do without.

I found some Africa trivia cards at Starbucks this past week. That made me smile :) so I had to purchase them for the trip. I brought them to work and Jacquie quized me. Pretty sad how much I don't know about the countries of Africa, but then again, that is why I bought them. To learn!

Every day I think of how this trip will effect me. My objective of course is to go and give of myself, be a servant and help the Ugandan people. I expect though that through this adventure, I will grow as a person. Can't wait to see what happens!

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