Friday, July 24, 2009

LAST day of Clinic

Yesterday I was able to spend the day with a rally team and take a break from clinic.  This was a great experience.  Peggy does a great presentation of HIV/AIDS to the school children and the Ugandan team that has been helping us from a local church are a blast to be with.  They are very patient with teaching Kate and I songs in lugandan as well as lugandan vocabulary. 

The church service in the middle of a corn field as Kate mentioned was amazing!  The fact that the tent was "orange" made me smile.  If I could stay in that moment for a little longer I would have because it was just perfect and beautiful.

I think I am meant to live here in some ways because I run on Uganda time all the time. Here when you say that you are going to leave at 8:30am that really means that you will be pulling out of the hotel at 9:00am.  haha.  

Today we went to Njeru village at Pastor Henry's church to have clinic.  This was a great set up because it was sheltered but yet had a great breeze coming through all day. During our little break I walked through the village which was a village that you picture in your head when you mention "Africa."  Mostly mud huts with straw roofs.  I am not sure how it happened but we saw approximately 400 patients!  We worked a little late today because we wanted to see everyone which was fulfilling at the end of the day. We did not see so much sickness or malaria as we have the previous days.  I think the difference is that last year 500 malaria nets were donated and water missions set up clean water for the village last year. It was great to see that such a "small thing" has made such a great impact on the health of Njeru in just one year! :) 

Tomorrow is a free day. Right now it seems like both the safari and rafting trip are not going to happen so not sure what tomorrow will bring.  I am still supposed to get pictures of Jinja hospital for a friend writing a screen play but apparently I have to get permission from the hospital.  Pastor Henry is going to help us with this.  What a process but hopefully it will work out.

Kate was in the dental clinic today helping out the dentist at Pastor Zachariah's church in Jinja.  She is still at the crusade in Mayuge right now so have not seen her all day.  I am taking lots of pictures and can't wait to share this incredible experience with everyone.  Hope all is well with those at home.  Feeling very blessed. :)

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