Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello Craziness by Kate

So, here it is. . .2.5 hours before I have to be at the airport and I am still in running clothes and on the computer. Packing is something I avoid like the plague. (Back choice of metaphor with me heading to Uganda).

Yesterday I spent the day shopping. I bought 2 sets of scrubs at Goodwill. A snapped a photo of this lady going inside. She is wearing the scarf just like they do in Africa. Maybe I will come back with new fashion tips. An added bonus.
I got home and layed out all of my purchases. Then I thought how in the heck am I going to fit all this in that tiny tiny suitcase. Thanks to my fabulous husband we were able to crush it all in there.

Guess I better start getting ready. It seems so surreal. I plan to take a nice long shower, eat a big breakfast and then rush to the airport. Hopefully, Rebekah and I will be able to blog while we are there but really-who knows.

See you! (That's what they say in Uganda)

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