Monday, July 13, 2009

On Uganda's Terms

Whew! I just got home from a dinner with some friends from work. I ate a TON and could pass out at any moment! haha. All a part of their plan to get me gain some weight before the trip.Too bad I ate everything in sight this past weekend and lost weight instead of gaining! Craziness!

I am a little dissapointed for two reasons:
1) My windows is malfunctioning on my computer so no way to upload pics and not much time left to get it fixed. No last minute i-tunes downloading of African music. :(
2) I misplaced the book I was reading "On Uganda's Terms" :(

I was reading an awesome book called "On Ugandas's Terms" by Mary Hale, RN. She is an amazing Nurse that I met through a friend. Mary lived and worked in Jinja, Uganda in the 1970's during Idi Amin's reign. She developed the first post doctorate mid wife program in Uganda. She had to flee the country when there was a lot of unrest from Idi Amin's government. Her book tells her story of her time spent in Jinja, about the friends she made and Uganda's political history. I was almost finished with her book and now for the life of me I cannot find it!! So upsetting.

I spoke with Mary on the phone yesterday. She gave me a list of places in Jinja for me to photograph for her. She told me that in her movie, she said that she always wished that she could stand on "Entebbe Golf Course and hit a golf ball into Lake Victora." I don't know if I will have the opportunity for this or not, but if I get the chance, I am sooo doing this! I also plan on making a scrap book for her. Good stuff.

I feel behind on my packing and list of things to do but I am sure that it will all come together! Tomorrow is my last day at work for a while and then I can focus solely on the trip. Tomorrow is also day 1 of Malerone (anti-malaria medication). Wish me luck!

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