Thursday, July 23, 2009

Church in the corn field, by Kate

It is hard to believe that each day could be as amazing as the day before but that is what happens here.  Today I went with the rally team to schools where we entertained children with puppets, did skits, talked about Jesus and taught about HIV.  It was a very interesting day.

At the end of our day we were told we were going to a bible study.  We were told we were going to Pastor David's church and pulled into a corn field.  There in the middle of the corn field was an orange tarp held up with pieces of wood and underneath it was the congregation.  The people were there praising Jesus.  One of our members taught scripture, I sang and then we asked people if they had any prayer requests.  We stood at the front and about 6 people came up to speak with us.  This village is very poor and there are a lot of orphans.  A young girl about 7 came up to us and she was very shy.  We asked her what she would like us to pray for her for.  She said "wisdom."  Can you image a 7 year old girl, probably an orphan, thinking to ask for wisdom?  The next boy was 9 and we asked him what he would like us to pray for him for.  He said "knowledge."  After we prayed for everyone Pastor David came back up. He told us they cannot offer us money or food because they have none but they would like to offer to pray for us.

In a land that seems so poor the people are so rich.  No rich with money but rich with joy and rich with the love of the Lord. 

Rebekah was with me today and she was a fabulous puppeteer and she shared her testimony as an elementary school.  She was supposed to be with us today because her medical knowledge was put to use.  So cool how God works. 

My Mom was at the dental clinic today at Pastor Henry's church and tomorrow she is going out with rally team tomorrow.  She will be so blessed when she visits the schools.   I'm sure she'll find a few things to bring back.

Emotional roller coaster of a day.  Time to go journal and call my hubby.  Thank you for your prayers and support.  I feel like I might be catching a cold so please keep my health in your prayers and my energy level.

See you, Kate

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