Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hi Alive and well in Africa!

Kate and I are sitting in the hotel lobby sucking on sugar cane on wireless internet. Today we were in the "Bush" and now we are connected to friends and family 7,000 away. How insane! I am having such a great time even though it really is fast pace and caotic at the clinic. We are operating a clinic out of a home that houses 14 people in a small village. Dr. Hartiman and I are seeing patients in a space of about the average American master bath. We see usually a family of 4-6 at one time the best we can with an interpreter (some are good, some not so good). :) The health conditions of these people are heart wrenching. It is so difficult to tell a line of 500 that we are done for the day. Some have had illness that could of easily been treated and have been suffering for years. We are pretty much de-worming every child because they have worms that cause them to have a cough, distended abdomen, etc. Very sad to see. Despite all the sadness, the Ugandan people have such joy. They are truly greatful for our team to be there. Kate has been having a blast with the Ugandans and I don't know where she gets her energy dancing for hours. I am glad that she has rhythm because I do not. haha. I think she has made in particular one girl, Lydia's year just by spending quality time with her.

This trip has been challenging already because you really have to give up all control and depend on God for his wisdom and discernment for treatment with our limitations and contraints in this makeshift environment. Please continue to pray for our team and for the people that we see each day whether it is in clinic, the schools, women's ministry, and pastor conferences. Thanks for all the support and love you all!

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