Monday, July 13, 2009

My Name is Kate

Makes me think of that new song on the radio. Hey all! I am Rebekah's new roomie. We are going to do some extreme bonding over the next few weeks.

I am trying to indulge in all things Africa, all things Uganda as I prepare for this trip. So I am reading this book called 28. It is about the AIDS epidemic in Africa. It is written by a journalist which I enjoy. The book highlights 28 different stories of AIDS in Uganda. Fascinating read so far. It stories how AIDS is shared, how people view it, how victims live without, kids live without parents. It is called 28 because it represents the 28 people living with AIDS in Africa.

More to come. Currently I am trying to figure out what to put on my ipod. There probably is no wrong answer. Will chat more soon. -Kate

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