Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How are you? I am fine. by Kate

It is about 10pm and we just finished dinner. The days have been full and very rewarding. Today I went to 4 schools with a rally team and we taught HIV/AIDS awareness. The children were extremely well behaved. At each school we were able to present the head master with 2 soccer balls. They accepted them and gave us theirs. They had been using rolled up balls of paper and twine. After they received the gift all the children would run up to us and say thank you, myabale. It is tremendously humbling and shows how truly well off we are in America.

My Mom gave out glasses today to a huge line of people. One man came up to us and said thank you for coming. "I could not see or read but now that you are hear I am very happy."

We have been holding a clinic for the past three days seeing hundred of patients in the dental and medical side. Many of the people have worms, malaria or STDs. In the dental clinic, if there is tooth pain the dentists pull the tooth because they have to treat patients with acute care. Rebekah has been doing a great job treating people with so much compassion while being rushed the whole time so they can treat as many as possible.

At the end of the day when we return to the hotel we are completely covered in dirt. The dirt here is like red clay. And it is everywhere. Think of every place it could be and there it is. I got a bug bite on the back of my neck yesterday but I don't think it was a malaria mosquito.

There have been many blessings so far. The people are wonderful and so kind. I have learned one of their songs in Motonga and they love to watch me sing it. I think that is because I don't pronounce their words very well. They also love it when I dance. Today I have a circle of probably 60 people watching me dance. I added a few moves from Beyonce's Single Ladies dance.

The weather has been great. Feeling good except for the cloud of dust in my throat each night. Thank you so much for your support. The Uganda people are being blessed by your generosity.

See you,

PS - I saw Annette, Bennah, Madinah, Claire and Jaliah!

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