Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nile rapids by Kate

Yesterday we had our free day. Four of us were able to go white water rafting down the Nile. It was an amazing trip and I'm happy to say we all made it out alive.

The trip was about 8 hours long and there were five grade 5 rapids that we went through. Our team was called Team Tutu, that was because Tutu was the guide on our river boat. He was a Ugandan and a fun guide. Our boat included 8 people and from our group there was Rebekah, Bennie, Tiffany and myself.

When we first got into the boat, they made us go through a series of exercises for safety. One of them was flipping the boat upside down, turning it back over and then climbing back into the raft. It was actually pretty funny but the thought of it happening in a rapid was slightly terrifying.

Some of the highlights including taking the raft over a waterfall, seeing a mamba lizard and having chipotlay at the end of the day. Photos and video to come.

Tonight is our last night in Jinja. We head to Kampala in the morning and are going to a straw market and orphanage. Then tomorrow night we get on a plane to Amsterdam. It feels like we have been here for 3 weeks. The thought of heading home is exciting but it is also sad to leave our friends here. Uganda is a country of the most welcoming people. Please pray for travel mercies and for health. I can't wait to share with you when I get home.

Love, Kate

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