Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today was my final day to prepare for the trip and now I am so exhausted! I packed and repacked until I finally got everything in my carry which was such a challenge. But I finally got it right after I took out some things that were not truly "essential."

Good news! I was able to fix my computer last night and I also found the book that I had lost. Things are coming together.

I just got a moment to sit and relax. I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about this adventure I am about to embark on. Travel plan is as follows: Tampa to Detroit, Detroit to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Entebbe. I should arrive in Entebbe around 8:30pm Fri. This will be longest flight I have ever been on. I am going to try to get some rest before the adventure begins. I hope to keep you posted while I am in Africa!! :)

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