Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 6---I think

I am sitting in the internet cafe here at the hotel. The connection is extremely slow. I can't log onto my facebook so no greetings from there. Sorry. But yes, I am doing God's work (To my co-workers).

Today was a good day. We went to the village of Mayuge again but this time in a different building for clinic. It was in a church that had no roof so it was very hot!! It really is sad how much education the Ugandan people are lacking in the rural areas regarding health. The doctors here give them incorrect diagnosis. Today I saw a man with elephantitis. He could have been treated early on but was not and therefore now has to endure such hardship. I am trying to take pictures of everything that I see here but I know that even a still shot will not really show what I am experiencing.

Last night I went up to the cat walk of the hotel and stared at the stars in the African sky. Very beautiful! Tonight there is supposed to be a lunar eclipse.

After clinic today we went on a little sight seeing adventure. We went to Bungali falls (Nile River). Kate was with the rally team so she went to Lake Victoria which she said was also beautiful. Despite all the poverty, I do see what Winston Churchill was talking about. He appropriately described this place, "The Pearl of the Nile."

I am getting better sleep now so not so exhausted. Trying to drink lots of fluids at night and not so much during the day because I don't like to use the bathrooms in the bush. Mission trips are definitely interesting and definitely take you out of comfort zone but it is already an experience that I will never forget. I feel truly blessed. Hope to post soon.

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