Monday, May 25, 2009

The Invisible Children

During my day shopping day with Kate she told me about an organization that she was involved with a couple of years ago called "The Invisible Children."
For over two decades, the LRA terrorized northern Uganda, which led to the displacement of nearly two million people. The LRA has been pushed out of Uganda in recent years, but continues to wreak havoc in the border region of northeastern Congo and southern Sudan. Under the leadership of Joseph Kony, the LRA has supported itself in part through the kidnapping of 66,000 children and forcing them to fight as child soldiers.
Kate gave me a documentary about "The Invisible Children" to borrow and I must say it was very impacting. Sometimes I think we (including myself) become so consumed with our own lives, stress and concerns, that we do not see the sufferings of others whether locally or globally. It is not that we are ignorant to suffering, I think we just are hesitant to extend our emotions beyond ourselves due to fear. If you are reading this blog, please take a moment to check out the website They have a great site with news updates, movies to view as well as ways to help the cause.
Retrieved from on 5/25/09

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